Vi laver en havegruppe – du kan være med

Vi laver en havegruppe – du kan være med

Har du grønne fingre eller bare lyst til jord under neglene og ideer til, hvordan vores gård kan blive endnu dejligere? Så kom ned i gården 4. april 16-17, hvor vi stifter en havegruppe. 


  • Kort orientering om den kommende havegruppe 
  • Havevandring med vores havemand Jan
  • Fordeling af gårdens højbede
  • Grønne forfriskninger og udveksling af ideer og forslag mellem jer der møder frem 

Hvem passer haven?

Haven er fælles for alle os, der bor i Guldbergsgadekaréen, og driften administreres af vores fælles Gårdlaug, som finansieres af indbetalinger fra foreningerne rundt om gården.

Gårdlaugets bestyrelse aktuelt består af fem beboere, valgt af de fremmødte på Gårdlaugets årlige generalforsamling. 

Det er bestyrelsens ansvar at sørge for drift og hold af gårdens arealer, hvilket inkluderer belægning, kloakering, porte, affald m.fl. 

Vi har en gårdmand Jann, der året rundt passer de grønne områder i det omfang, han har timer til. De store ‘armbevægelser’ som beskæring af gårdens store træer får vi udført af et eksternt gartnerfirma ca. hver 2.-3. år.

Havegruppens muligheder og mandat

Som deltager i gruppen kan du være med til at beslutte, hvad der skal ske med de grønne områder i gården, og at føre gruppens planer ud i livet i samarbejde med karréens havemand, Jan og med støtte fra gårdlaugets bestyrelse. 

Gruppen aftaler selv, hvordan arbejdet fordeles på demokratisk vis. 

Gårdlauget har søgt om midler til at øge biodiversiteten i vores gård, og hvis den ansøgning går igennem, vil der være en pulje penge til bl.a. planter, buske og frø, som kan sås og plantes – forhåbentlig allerede i dette forår. Vi har også søgt midler til at etablere insekthoteller, opsætte fuglekasser mm. 

Så har du (eller dine børn) eksempelvis lyst til:

  • at passe et højbed
  • ideer til beplantning af gårdens områder
  • fremme af den børnevenlige have
  • eller…(indsæt dine ideér her)

Så kom og vær med.

Havegruppen vil have en løbende dialog med gårdlaugets bestyrelse, som skal godkende større projekter. 

Havegruppen bliver et udvalg under gårdlaugets bestyrelse, så du er ikke forpligetet til at deltage i øvrigt bestyrelsesarbejde -men du må meget gerne. Det er ingen hemmelighed, at vi gerne vil have nye kræfter med i gårdlaugets bestyrelse. 


Har du spørgsmål om gruppen eller mødet kan du kontakte os via gårdlaugets mail på  in**@gu******************.dk 

Du kan også tjekke gårdlaugets hjemmeside og Facebook-siden for nyt om gårdlauget.

Grønne hilsner 

Jens, Anders, Jens, Mia og Marie (:bestyrelsen i Guldberggadekaréens gårdlaug)

9 svar

  1. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  2. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  3. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  4. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  5. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  6. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  7. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Millions of Free Traffic with AI Tools –

  8. Extended Opportunity siger:

    Millions of Free Traffic with AI Tools –

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